As I gear up for the beginning of another homeschool year, I thought I might post some pictures that I took of Mrs. Sayuri beginning of last school year.

I know I’m very late posting about these, but this will help me remind myself to take school photos again this year and since Mr. Happy Feet will be starting Kindergarten, I’ll need to get him photographed too. I’m in the middle of ordering the last of our curriculum for this coming year of homeschool. I’m hoping we can get a little bit of schooling in this month before September rolls around. It’s always nice to get started early.

The sign graphic I used was a free printable from Skip to My Lou.
Here are some links to free photo prop printables that I might use this year:
Yellow Bliss Road First Day of School Photo Prop Printables
Ink Happi Back to School First Day of School Signs (very cute!)
I heart Naptime Free Back to School Printables
I am also playing around with the idea of making my own sign…maybe using paint and wood…we’ll see what I end up doing.
How I love these school photos! Very colourful. The nicest school photos I’ve ever seen.