It’s been so cold around here that I haven’t wanted to set foot outdoors for longer than a minute at a time if I don’t have to.
The other day I bundled up the two older children so that they could go out in the back to blow some bubbles, because Mr. Happy Feet had just gotten a neato Spiderman bubble blower thingy. I thought the bubbles might freeze and shatter mid-flight considering the temperature outside was below freezing (around 15 degrees F) but the sun was shining and they didn’t (much to my disappointment). The bubbles that landed on the porch floor did freeze somewhat so we had fun playing around with those. The children didn’t stay out too long because it was so cold.
It’s days like these that make me appreciate the people that go out and work in these weather conditions…
It’s also days like these that the children want to hide under the sheets and blankets and roll around on the beds tickling one another.
Winter is beautiful and all, but I am very much looking forward to spring!
By the way, I love this list of 102 Things To Do With Kids In Winter from Finding Joy! We’ve already done #28 (bubbles).
I love this photo! It certainly shows some nice moments together indoors.