Another Year
As I gear up for the beginning of another homeschool year, I thought I might post some pictures that I took of Mrs. Sayuri beginning of last school year. I know I’m very late posting about these, but this will help me remind myself to take school photos again this year and since Mr. Happy […]

Painted Birdhouses
A while ago, My father in law got two wooden bird houses with the children in mind. Mrs. Sayuri chose the blue bird nesting box and Mr. Happy Feet chose to paint the more common bird house. I set them up outside in the grass with a garden table covered with newspaper. Baby Girl was […]

A Mouse In The House
I walked into the kitchen, turned the corner around the center island and stopped in my tracks. There, on the rug before the back door, I saw a mouse! I called out to anyone and everyone to come quick! Mrs. Sayuri and Mr. Happy Feet came hurrying in. After a little deliberation, we three agreed […]

Rose Thorn Dinosaur Noses
I don’t know about your children, but mine love dinosaurs. Mrs. Sayuri has always held a fascination for them and now she and her younger brother both do. This is a fun way for children to pretend to be dinosaurs. The idea for this came from Hubby who remembered doing it as a child. In […]

Mariposa in Costa Rica
My brother found a Monarch butterfly’s chrysalis attached to a wall while out and he collected it with us in mind. He brought it over for Mrs. Sayuri and Mr. Happy Feet to study. We glued it to the top of the inside of a shoe box so that it would be hanging when it […]

Child’s Montessori Apron
A little over a month ago Mrs. Sayuri turned five and yet it feels like just yesterday I was posting about her turning four! For this year’s birthday gift I sewed her a Montessori apron using this great free pattern from Sew Liberated. What I really like about this apron is that she can put […]

Rag Curls Just Like Laura Ingalls
In August, we finished reading (for the second time) the first book in Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House Book Series, Little House in the Big Woods (one of my favorites by the way). In there we read about how Laura and her sister Mary do their hair up in rags to make them all curly […]