I found this cute pattern by Alli Crafts for a Newborn Cluster Hat and instantly loved it. She also has free patterns posted for the same pattern in sizes premie and six months.
I was aiming to make it newborn size initially, but I must have crocheted the slip stitch crochet border too tight or something, because it ended up kinda “shrinking” in size after I hooked that part.
- I did notice afterward that there is the word “loosely” written in italics before the slip stitch rounds begin. Clearly I must have overlooked that note! Ooops!
If I were to use this pattern (from Alli Crafts) again I would probably use a different stitch for the edge of it to make it look more like this hat from St. Patty’s Girl on Etsy.Or I might just try to read the instructions more carefully next time. 🙂
I love the color combo that I chose though, and I do really like the pattern. It’s quite adorable.

It fits some of my daughters’ dolls heads perfectly though, so not all is lost!
Nice combo! I always plant purple and yellow annuals in our yard, they look so pretty together.
Love this. I want to pay you to make me one when I have a baby… one day.