The Grass Always Seems Greener On The Other Side…
A little over two years ago I got into a rut photographically. I had convinced myself that my photography would become better by leaps and bounds if only I lived somewhere else, namely in another country – somewhere where I could be less worried about walking around with my camera in plain sight without the fear of someone assaulting me with a knife or gun (a very real possibility here).
I also longed for a house with a room I could solely devote to being my studio. I needed to live in a brighter house. The more I entertained my ever increasing “if only’s” list, the less I actually tookg my camera out and gotg creative. And the less content I became. I was letting these “needs” cloud my mind and prevent me from doing what I love; letting valuable opportunity pass me by.
Thankfully, I finally awakened to the danger of these self proposed limitations. The old cliche hit me that I needed to recognize the glass as being half full rather than half empty. I needed to embrace my reality, whatever it was.
The Everyday Beauty That Surrounds Us
Now, I am not hung up on the what ifs. It is easy to see that my current situation holds many benefits and blessings. The weather in CR is a huge plus. Most days we have at least a few hours of sun and lots of beautiful sunsets. The temperature rarely drops below 65 degrees Fahrenheit and when it rains it is warm and fresh, not cold. With so much to be thankful for, there is never a shortage of inspiration if I open myself up to it.
As I look outside my window, I see the orange trees heavy with fruit off of our patio, I hear the birds chattering and singing their melodies, and I feel the sun’s shining warmth.
It is a beautiful day.
A Change in Me
Addressing my former worries and hang ups, I have definitely relaxed. I know that we are in this country for a reason and I do really enjoy living here. The fact is that even though theft is a very real and prevalent issue here, I have learned not to let it limit me too much. I take precautions and try to be wise about things by not flashing my camera or being obvious about the fact that I have it with me.
I choose to take my camera out more now regardless of whether or not conditions are perfect or ideal. And this has made a difference.
I took the below photos recently and even though the light was nowhere near “perfect” – translate practically nil – I embraced what was available and the inevitable grain in the photos and I am so glad I did. I love these.

Wonderful photographs. So glad that you are back to taking more pictures. You are gifted in that area so use that gift so we can all enjoy it.
Beautiful shots! Maybe you could trying doing your more “public” photos with a lower end camera like a disposable or a spy camera. Sometimes limiting ourselves technologically results in some really unique images.
Although it was thought that there were “limitations” of surroundings, your photos have in no wise suffered or seemed lacking. They are nice to look at but have the extra something of capturing moments, moods, and feelings that reflect a true creativity. Brava!
Loved this post. Def what I needed to hear at this moment in my life. Thanks so much. Your blogs are truly an inspiration.