Life has been a bit busy lately. And my poor blog has suffered for it. A month with no posting! 🙁
Unfortunately my crafty side has not been creating too much. Everything has been cakes and learning the art of decorating them. I enjoy it but it is very time consuming. Posts to come on that. Also, some photography posts planned. In the near future is a giveaway. Either in celebration of my hundredth post (when it happens) or my one year anniversary (June 15th). We’ll see which comes first. So stick around.
Glad to see you are back. I have missed your wonderful postings.
I’m sure we’d rather read quality posts from you, not fluff. One year or 100 posts is an awesome landmark – congrats in advance. 🙂
.-= Bryan Villarin´s last blog ..Review: Loving my Shootsac =-.