Today was one of those days.
One of those days where I am constantly aware that at the end of the day the hours would seem fewer than needed. My plans of whittling down the laundry pile had vanished by midday. My desire of tidying the kitchen seemed unattainable and I finally gave up and tried to rinse my plates and reuse as much as possible. I was able to get one load of laundry washed (but not dried), barely got dinner made and on the table and didn’t even touch my messy closet. Organizing my closet is a dream that may never happen.
Having said all that… at least the children were tended to. If all else fails, I can rest assured that their needs were met. It feels good seeing them peaceful, content and fed sleeping in their beds after a long day.
I have lost count now of how many times I’ve dozed off sitting with them on the couch, laying with them in bed or trying to read a book. I love to sleep, but haven’t been getting too much of it lately. Having two is a lot more work than having one. It’s all that everyone “warned” me it would be and yet it is so much more. It’s SOOO much more special. To walk in and see your children snuggled up together is so overwhelmingly heart warming that it brings tears to my eyes. To see Mrs. Sayuri go and comfort her baby brother is the sweetest thing—to hear her speak words of “I love you” and “It’s ok, Mommy’s here” to him—I have no words for it all. Sometimes I have to stand back and just observe. The moments are so special and surreal. At times like this, I can’t believe this is my life.
My. blessed. life.
My. busy. life.
Today I had all the intentions of getting up a project. I have a tutorial in the works, but it didn’t get done. Not enough “focus time” for mommy. Too many needs to be met—but you know what? I have to let it go and realize that it’s not the end of the world to not meet my self-imposed deadline. Thank you to hubby for reminding me of this. Besides, things rarely get done when I want them to anymore anyways. It’s just part of my life for the moment, and I am okay with that.
So, stay tuned for that tutorial that I hope to have done soon.
In the meantime, here’s a little sneak peek for you.
I can definitely relate. Yesterday I needed to change (lower) my goals for the day to basically make it through to bedtime without having a total meltdown. I did it, and we were all fine.
Two is harder than one. But here’s a good news secret: 3 is not much harder than 2. And 4 is not harder than 3. As long as you teach them to help a little around the house and help take care of each other, it can in some ways be easier to have several than just one or two. So be encouraged…if your family expands, it doesn’t mean you’ll always have many more days like this one.
Kim, Thanks for the encouraging words and I’m glad you made it through your rough day yourself.
PS It’s good to know that it doesn’t get much harder than two. *wink*