Ever since Mrs. Sayuri could stand, she’s enjoyed playing with magnets on the refrigerator. Her colorful letter and number set has provided endless amounts of fun. Just the other night she was playing with them while I was making dinner. I asked her for a particular letter and she would find it. She’s become very good at recognizing her letters. Then I would ask her what that letter said. For example, A says “aaa” like in apple.
This is a great way to keep your children entertained while making dinner and teach them something at the same time! Right up the mommy multi-tasking alley for sure.
Mrs. Sayuri also really enjoys “playing” with the secret garden magnets that her Auntie H gave to me. They are extremely strong because they are backed with rare earth magnets . They hold almost anything up on the fridge. Mrs. Sayuri discovered that they even hold up paintbrushes. 🙂
If you want some of your own, check out these cool wonka magnets Auntie H has in her etsy shop, Starving Artist Designs!
Thanks for the link to my magnet set! I love this set of felt alphabet magnets that Etsy seller MiChiMa makes, http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=28948808 The colors are so fun, (she is the one who made the funny critters on the mobile we gave Mr. Happy Feet.)