A little over a year ago I started looking online for free sling tutorials or patterns. I wanted a pouch sling. I already had a wrap (similar to the moby wrap) which I liked. But I wanted something different…mainly more compact and quicker to get on and off. I saw lots of ring sling patterns but I had no idea where to start looking for quality rings to use in Costa Rica.
I found this tutorial on karmababy that was very good for a fitted pouch sling. Very easy and simple. My mom helped me do it since I didn’t have much experience sewing, but it was pretty easy over all and anyone with minimal sewing experience could definitely do it.
In my opinion, you can’t have enough baby carriers, although I only have two three myself. But it’s amazing what you can use to carry your baby in – once you learn the basics you can use almost anything!
Maybe I’ll make some more for Mr. Happy Feet. I’m leaning towards a Mei Tai.
I still get use out of this sling with Mrs. Sayuri. She loves it.
Mr. Happy Feet doesn’t seem to care too much for the wrap, but he’s great in this. He prefers to face out and see what’s going on around him. This makes all the difference in the world too, because he weighs a ton. Without this, it is a lot harder to carry him around for any long length of time.
This pouch sling can help for those not have money and make their own pouch sling. do you have a procedure on this pouch? please post it if you dont mind…
Hi Kharen,
The instructions for how to make this pouch sling can be found here.