Before autumn is completely gone, I thought I should post some pictures from this beautiful season. So far we have experienced some sleet and even snow flurries. Mrs. Sayuri is hoping for some snow accumulation soon…but not me.
All these photos were taken almost a month ago at a very neat store/restaurant in Otego, NY called The Pie in the Sky . Inside they’ve got homemade ice cream, all kinds of handmade crafts, used books, organic local produce, and more for sale.

They’ve even got a honeycomb panel encased in plexiglass on display where you can watch the bees at work. Mr. Happy Feet really enjoyed that.

Pumpkins were abundant.

Each one was so unique and full of character.

This great big tree that stood right outside the store was magnificent.
I have more pumpkin photos from our visit to the Frog Pond in Bainbridge, NY, but I’ll save those for another post.
I’m hoping we won’t see winter for at least a month yet although there is talk of a coming snow storm!
Nice photo compositions.
The autumn – fall season is a favorite of mine and am glad to have experienced it with you and the children this year.
Now for some snow…
Through the photos, the colours and mood, I can feel autumn. Nicely done.