The Frog Pond
Right outside of the center of Bainbridge, NY, is the Frogpond Farm and farm stand. It is a family run farm and business and their prices are very affordable. The farm stand opens for business in the spring (around April I believe) and closes in late fall. Their last day open this year was October […]

Child’s Montessori Apron
A little over a month ago Mrs. Sayuri turned five and yet it feels like just yesterday I was posting about her turning four! For this year’s birthday gift I sewed her a Montessori apron using this great free pattern from Sew Liberated. What I really like about this apron is that she can put […]

Mrs. Sayuri Is Four
October 14th, our little girl, Mrs. Sayuri, turned four! I took these photos of her a couple of weeks ago outside in our yard, while she was wearing her pink princess dress and crown of course. She loves to dress up like royalty and to pick flowers. Our favorite place to be when it’s warm […]

October 14th marked Mrs. Sayuri’s third birthday. I adore the person that she is. She says the funniest things, understands more than I can believe sometimes and is very inquisitive… she’s also beginning to test our limits (and patience) more and learning how to be a big sister. With all the changes that having a […]