Reluctant Ballerina
Enthusiastic Beginnings Mrs. Sayuri has been our little ballerina dancer for a while. But she just recently started taking formal lessons. It was always apparent to us that she was a natural at being graceful and had good rhythm. I had a time finding her a place to take lessons that was near by. I […]
Tropical Bounty – Cas Fruit Uses
Cas (Costa Rican Guava or Psidium Friedrichsthalianum) is native to Costa Rica and a member of the guava family. It is a good source of Vitamins A and C as well as iron and calcium! The leaves of the guava can also be useful in tea for cases of diarrhea caused by amoebas. Cook a […]
One Year Anniversary Giveaway!
This Giveaway is now closed. A big thank you to all who entered. I really enjoyed reading your answers to the coffee or tea question. Now without further ado…the winner is In honor of my one year blog anniversary I am hosting a giveaway. I have put together a grouping of some things that express […]
Cockroaches Ate My Pajamas?
To say that we had a cockroach problem at our previous residence is an understatement. After more than eight years of living in Costa Rica I had never seen so many nor any so huge. There was one type that I affectionately named “the monster” it was that big. You know…the giant kind that look […]
Green Grass Grows Fast
It’s the rainy season here. That means, mostly sunny mornings and mostly rainy afternoons. That also means our backyard has become a jungle! In the rainy season it almost becomes unmanageable because of how quickly everything grows. Recently Mrs. Sayuri and I ventured outside before it rained to play in the grass. She rarely lets […]
A Crown for our Little Princess
I found this really cute tutorial on the Juicy Bits blog via the blog Skip to My Lou. Thanks so much Jessica for this very thorough and informative tutorial. My mom and I spent about four weekends working on these between us. We ended up making two, one for Mrs. Sayuri and one for her […]