Another Year
As I gear up for the beginning of another homeschool year, I thought I might post some pictures that I took of Mrs. Sayuri beginning of last school year. I know I’m very late posting about these, but this will help me remind myself to take school photos again this year and since Mr. Happy […]

Magnets are Fun
Ever since Mrs. Sayuri could stand, she’s enjoyed playing with magnets on the refrigerator. Her colorful letter and number set has provided endless amounts of fun. Just the other night she was playing with them while I was making dinner. I asked her for a particular letter and she would find it. She’s become very […]

The Colors of the Rainbow
We got the idea for this from Chasing Cheerios. Mrs. Sayuri and I snuck out back the other day, while Mr. Happy Feet was napping, to do this activity. The object was to find things in nature in different colors that coincided with the matching colors in her painted egg carton. She had painted the […]

Recycled Greeting Cards
I have a really hard time throwing out old greeting cards. With each year of holidays and birthdays that goes by, my card pile grows bigger. Today, though, that pile is a wee bit smaller! Yeah! ‘Cause… today I thought of a use for some of those cards – Recycled collage-style greeting cards Mrs. Sayuri […]