We enjoyed some homemade sopapillas during this past Hannukah. If you are not familiar with them, sopapillas (pronounced sew-pu-pee-uz) are yummy New Mexican fry bread. They taste scrumptious drizzled with honey or stuffed with pinto beans and fixin’s. My New Mexican raised Hubby introduced me to them. I have two recipes for sopapillas – a […]

Homemade Natural Chocolate for Yom Teruah
Mrs. Sayuri and I whipped up a batch of natural chocolate the other day. It was quick and easy. We spooned ours into a Biblical Holidays chocolate mold in anticipation and preparation for the coming fall feasts, specifically Yom Teruah, The Day of Trumpets, expected to fall on the eleventh of September (This coming Sabbath, […]

Superbowl Football Truffles
I saw these Superbowl Football Truffles on Bakerella and I had to try them! The coating step took me a while to do because I didn’t have the prepared dark chocolate coating, since these were impromptu and last minute. I was able to improvise with some semi-sweet chocolate chips, a little milk and butter. Next […]

Cinnamon Buns As Fluffy As A Cloud
I finally found the perfect cinnamon bun recipe. Hubby is very particular about how he likes his cinnamon buns. He wants them fluffy and airy, i.e. just like his mama makes. Up until now, I had failed to please. I stumbled upon this delicious recipe through blog surfing. One blog led to another. (One blog […]

Dough girl
Mrs. Sayuri loves to “help” us when we make what we call flatbread, basically flour tortillas without leaven. She is notorious for stealing bits of the dough and gobbling them up! I believe they’re actually called Chapatas Chapatis and that the recipe is from The Vegetarian Epicure. Chapatis/Indian Flatbread Ingredients 3 cups of flour 3 […]