Snowy Streets
We had some snow yesterday, however, this shot was from back when we got a lot more. The snow never seems to get a chance to fully melt with the weather we’ve been having. Yesterday, after a dusting of large snowflakes, we got some very wet almost hail like snow which made for a very […]

Snow Along The Delaware
This past week I’ve been a bit busy taking pictures at a location right off the banks of the Delaware River.

Our First Snowman This Winter. Finally.
Just when it seemed that the snow would remain powdery forever, a warm day came and transformed it into the greatest packing snow. The children had a blast literally rolling the snow into balls for their first ever snowman. They were actually quite disappointed today that the snow wasn’t as perfect as it was yesterday. […]

Guess What We Did Today
The weather warmed up nicely today. We had temperatures in the low to mid forties, which is like a heat wave considering what we’ve been having. It was the perfect weather for transforming the soft powdery snow into good packing snow! I think Hubby had just as much fun as the children. Look at those […]

Sledding In The Powder
Last week we walked with our neighbor to a hill in town (a block away) that the owners of allow neighborhood children to sled down in the winter. It was too powdery and fresh for good sledding this day, but the children figured out that one could pull the sled while the others took turns […]

No Snowman Yet
Unfortunately the snow is still soft and powdery – not good packing yet for making a snowman. We keep checking everyday to see if we can pack it together…Mrs. Sayuri has big plans too. She’s got it all planned out for how her first snowman is going to look. She fell asleep the other night […]