Scouting Out Locations
In September ’09, I photographed my sister-in-law’s wedding. Days before, Hubby and I took a leisurely drive to check out the church and reception hall. I took images of possible photo spots at both locations and on the drive in between. I took shots from different angles and view points, walked all around the grounds […]

A Drop of Golden Sun
The theme this week at I ♥ Faces is Sun Flare. I have not had a chance to go out and try to capture something new for this theme. This is one of my favorites from Heather and Eric’s wedding in September. Some of the photos entered are just breathtaking and very inspiring. Makes me […]

A Handmade Wedding Part 2
Here are some of my favorites from the big day.What a handsome couple Eric and Heather make. Congratulations you two! I am officially a fan of country weddings. In the above image Eric and Heather are sitting on an old, green army blanket that Eric happened to have in the back of his car. I […]

A Handmade Wedding
A little over a week ago I photographed my sister-in-law, Heather’s, wedding. This is a preview with some shots of the details from the wedding and one photo of the beautiful bride. More to come as I edit them. The wedding took place in a cozy, country church in McClure, upstate New York. The reception […]