We got the idea for this from Chasing Cheerios.
Mrs. Sayuri and I snuck out back the other day, while Mr. Happy Feet was napping, to do this activity. The object was to find things in nature in different colors that coincided with the matching colors in her painted egg carton. She had painted the egg carton the night before.
Mrs. Sayuri really likes to be outside so this was an activity right up her alley. It was so cute seeing her search and scour our yard for items to fill each little color. She got so excited every time she spotted something that matched one of her colors in her carton. The hardest colors to find were the blues. We ended up having to settle for two bits of blue electrical wire because that was all we could find.

Mrs. Sayuri’s favorite treasure we found was the exoskeleton of a dead black beetle. She was completely enthralled with him. Later on she kept asking me, “Where’s my beetle mama?” concerned that he might have gotten lost.
Atira’s friend Bear also did this with her mama.
I love the colors and can understand how Mrs. Sayuri would love doing this with Mamma. It is so awesome to discover simple little things that can be done with children without having to spend money, things that cause them to think and be creative. Thanks for sharing.