The man I married is an amazing papa to our children. And they are crazy about him.
The song below made me think of him because I know that his prayer is that he cannot do this alone without the blessings and help of the Almighty. We both consider parenting a gift from on high yet also a serious responsibility.
His heart is humble and sensitive, which is one of the things that I admire most about him.
I have faith in his leadership of our family.
Continue to Lead Him, Heavenly Father, As You Always Have.
Dearest Nikki, your site it’s beautiful… I loved looking at your pictures, I already was a fan of you! 🙂
I didn’t know u were an artist in bakery! We should do something persian once together!!
I enjoyed a lot listening to this song… May the All Mighty lead us all toward Him.
Much love, looking forward to seeing u,